Welcome to Sport & Gender Fa 2017

Welcome to the Class Blog for the 6:00-7:15 TR class in SM 4250 (Sport & Gender). This blog will be the site where you can post blog entries and/or write comments in response to others' blog entries. Your first Blog (or Journal) entry should be an Introduction which is due no later than 6:00 p.m. Thursday, August 31, 2017. All Introductions are worth a maximum of 10 points. Guidelines for what to include in your Introductions are included below, while Guidelines for weekly Blog and/or Journal entries are available on the "Class Blog page." 

Starting the week of Tuesday, September 5, all Blog and Journal entries are due no later than 6:00 p.m. Tuesday of each week. On rotating weeks, Blog writers may post comments instead of Blog entries. While blog entries are worth a maximum of 10 points each week, each comment is worth a maximum of 5 points each. On the weeks when you post comments instead of entries, you will need to post at least two comments to obtain a total of 10 points for that week. Starting the week of Tuesday, September 5, comments should be posted no later than 6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 7. [See Guidelines for doing Comments at the bottom of this post].

In the Introduction, you should elaborate on what you wrote on your Personal Information Form on the first day of class. More specifically, you could include any of the following information:

Your name and where you are from.

  1. What sports did you play in H.S.? Do you still play competitively in college or intramural sport?
  2. Who is the female athlete you would most like to see compete in her sport? Explain your response. If you would like to include a link to an article, photo, or Youtube clip, you can include that by using the toolbar available at the top of this page. (E.g., if I wanted to include a link to the Crip Walk Dance that Serena Williams did after she won the gold medal at the 2012 Olympics in London, I would highlight what I want to show and click on the link above so it would appear when you click on it.
  3. Who is the male athlete you would most like to see compete? Explain your response. Again, you can include a link to an article, photo, and/or Youtube clip.
    Finally, do you have any concerns about taking this class in terms of the subjects we will be discussing and/or the workload?

The Introduction will be worth a maximum of 10 points and will be graded on the basis of the following criteria:
  • Content and clarity: have you clearly responded to the questions above? Did your sentences flow?
  • Grammar: do verb tenses agree? Do subject and verb agree?
  • Spelling: have you misspelled words (e.g., did you confuse the spellings of 'there' and 'their,' words that might not be caught by spell check)?
  • Length: Each entry (including the Introduction) should be approximately 250 words (about a page when it is handwritten or typed). It helps to write out your entry in a word document so you can check grammar and spelling as well as the word count for your entry.
Further details about the Introduction and other Blog and Journal entries will be posted under "Assignments" on Canvas. The link to the Class blog is available under "Pages."

Comments: After everyone has posted their Introductions on the Blog and submitted their Journal entries during the first week, you will have the option of doing Blog or Journal entries OR comments each week. We will go over the procedure for posting comments in class (on Tuesday, September 5) and I will provide guidelines in a separate entry on the blog. In order to post a comment in response to someone's entry, you will need to login with your google account or gmail. If your name does not appear in the userid, you should include your name at the top of your entry. If you have any questions about posting or the requirements for the Blog or Journal entries, you may contact Dr. Spencer (nspencr@bgsu.edu) or Kristi Walker (wkristi@bgsu.edu)


  1. Brian Blake
    SM 4250
    Tu/Th 6pm

    Journal Entry #1

    Going into this class, I did not know what to expect. I was worried about the content and what everyone was going to to say. I knew that I was privileged and that I loved sports. This made me realize that this class might be a difficult emotionally. But the first activity cleared my mind and all the incorrect assumptions that I had. We started by discussing our favorite male and female athlete. This led to new names and comfortable conversations that I did not expect to come so easily. Then it was my turn to speak.
    When I started talking, I discussed two athletes that I would pay a lot of money to watch. The two athletes that I chose were Leonel Messi and Abby Wambach. Both of these players are soccer players and both are very difficult and costly to see. I think that I am so intrigued by soccer is because we do not have “good” soccer in the United States. The MLS does not produce the elite super-stars like the Europeans do. I believe that European players are truly the best athletes in the world and I would pay any money to see them play. I picked Lionel Messi because of his overall skill. He is literally the fastest player in the game and does some unbelievable things when he puts on his boots. He is a once in a lifetime players and who knows when another player will come around. I also think that I picked him because it's only in Europe. I think stuff that we do not have is more appealing to the eyes. Now for Wambach.
    I chose Wambach for a few reasons, her skill level, leadership, and her bridge to women's sports. I did not grow up knowing too much about women's sports. I watched everything on ESPN and new all sports in Cleveland. There was no drive for me to get to learn more about a women athletes or team. This was until my first year of high school. I entered my first year looking to be the cool kid that hung out with the varsity athletes. So as a silly little freshman, I would show interest in what they showed interest in. That year, the women's national team was in the world cup. As you might expect, the soccer team was obsessed so I became obsessed. I started to do my own research and we would watch the games together while Abby Wambach was the captain. She did some crazy things and led the team to some astonishing victories. The way that she lead her team, made me want to lead my team in a similar manner. I even would say her name out loud when I went for a header in a game. She had such an impact on my sporting career.
    I enjoy sports because I was naturally good at them. I was able to see and understand the fundamentals of sports and really fall in love with them. I just enjoy how I can escape from reality and soak in the family feeling of the organization and the fans that support them. But that was not enough for me to make a career out of it. I realized the potential that sports have on making an impact on the community and others lives. I want to use sports as an ally to give back to people as much as sports gave to me when I was younger.
    Overall, I am excited to learn more about sports and gender. I want to hear everyones opinion on topics that are not always discussed. I want to develop a better understanding on how women and men sports could work together to make the industry bigger. Lastly, I want to become more comfortable with the topic so that I can be comfortable when I apply it to the real world.


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